Thursday, April 30, 2009


I just got my braces ppl ! ; )

It didnt hurt ,but its annoying ; P

okay i lied its fucking annoying ! 

HAHA ,so how's your day ?

Sunday, April 19, 2009


I ve landed varial kick flip !

ciao bitches !


Saturday, April 18, 2009


wtf !

I wrote two post and bth kena delelte 'Accidentally '

Faggot comp !

I skate and i suck ,thn i got worse ;D

obviously ppl hate me ! ;D yeay !

they have no guts to come up to me and say to me

nk ckp belakang belakang !Gay ke ape ?;P

fuck you ah flat ,mat jambu ,gay ,freakily tall ,slut ,belagak gangster ,pokemon freaks ,and all

dnt wry fakhrul ,fydy i love you 

eee gay !

girl all the pathethic guys wants

Its like the worst movie ,
She's looking through me ,
If you were me thn you'd be ,
Wishing would she kiss me ,
As i try miserably ,
trying to get the girl all the pathethic guys wants !

Thursday, April 9, 2009


when youre fucked up,what do you do?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


7,8,9 april is sprts rehearsal in mpsj ,
haha ,sucks !im nt entering any event so i pretty much sit down and watched ,we cnt leave the stadium or else Giva will fucking scold us !
haha anyway the first day sucked ,i had to join the perbarisan thn halfway ridzuan asked me to run fr it so i did and ran to mcD ,HAHA !
Naseb baek xde org tgkp ,haha ,we reached mcdonald we met redza and zaf and winnie i think ,haha
later desmond and one girl came
,we hang out i smoked 3 sticks WOW !was i high ! thn later on we head back to the stadium and we had to sit there !haha

The second day was okay once i reached the stadium i hanged out with fydy or fainu and fakhrul !
then later on we head to McD haha everyday mcd x jemu ke?
haha ,thn kite terjumpa pn zaira naseb baik pn zaira kasi pergi thn jumpa ms sue ajk ms sue x nk plak otw terserempak ngn cikgu ikhwan thn die suruh cepat
smpai mcd terjumpa khai ,amal ,araf and all rokok habes ah konon wtf !
me ,arif tinggi ,fydy and fakh ordered and headed upstairs haha
we ate and had fun thn we went back to the stadium to support our friends !
fatin xde comfidence bt somehow she did it !haha shes weird bt thts good ,later on me ,jaji ,fydy and ikal and farhan went to starbucks and we bought ice bend crap !thn we headed to mcd AGAIN !WTF !haha we ate and we headed our seperate ways ,i went back to haris house and waited fr my dad !
haha there i just watched him myspacing ad youtubing !haha
it was better today thn yesterday !haha ,hope tommrw will be better !


al fatihah untuk bapak hisham ,
Bapak hisham meninggal pada 5 april .
He was a great man ,he had a great life and may god be with him .
My friend hisham came to a shock when he saw his dad faintted in his room ,bt he thought he was dead
They brought him to the hospital bt sadly he died shortly after he arrived ,
I cried because hisham is my friend ,
Idnt want ti talk bout it because it makes me feel sad
inallilah ~

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Today was tiring ,
Morning i woke up nk belajar
rajin baii
lepas belajar pegi skate ah
haha thn g kenduri ,it was okay ah makanan sedap ,
aku balik terus g skate lagy ,
main lame giler and i sweat like i never sweat before !
wow !
mcm mandi cungai

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Hari nie sukantara kt skola !
Me ,I hate sports . Just now everyone was forced to run ,so i was fucked up ah ..
but they all forced me so i just try my best ,i told haziq kite jog but whn i started i was third so in my head watafak might as well i try sprint so i sprint like a cow
okay ,as i was sprinting fakhrul was closing up so i decided to make him laugh ,i turned to him and did a funny face and he laugh i could have beaten him but i stop abit early cause there was some confucion .haha .anyway the moral here is FATBOY CAN RUN !