Thursday, March 26, 2009

Its she .

Its she who i love ,

Its she who i see ,

Her sweet and lovely voice makes me fly high ,

Her smile and laugh makes me happy ,

A friendly ,nice ,hot ,PRETTY girl to others ,

But to me she's everything ,

She might not know how i feel ,

But i love her and i dont want to change that ,

I would go to school to see her face that makes me smile , 

I would go to school and say hye   ,

When i hear she sings my heart beats faster ,

And when you cry i would too ,

I wish I could be the one to comfort you ,

I wish i could be the one to  love you ,

I wish I could be the one to kiss you ,

I wish i could hold you in my arms and never let go ,

I wish I could say i love you to you ,

I wish you would say i love you too ,

I wish you be the one with me ,

I wish i could be the one to call you baby ,

I wish she knows how much i love her ,

I wish she knows how much i would care for her ,

And i wish she sees this .

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