Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Saaid Gay I think !

Today was fun untill KH !
Saaid came to class frm mssd .
He said that our school lost so i laugh ,HAHA !
I hate Saaid srsly hate him
Die belagak ah senang kata .
Die Ingt die hebat !So as i was saying He entered the class and nk belagak
so i said "ala saaid nk buto ngn aku ah " ,"nk belagak ah "
Thn out of nowhere he pushed me and hit me in the face but the first time die terbelasah khairul .HAHA !kesian khairul .Die belasah aku kt mulut aku okay lagy thn aku tolak tht fucker thn die belasah aku kat mate !aku nk pukul balik tp HO ade kt belakang at aku xnk kena masalah discipline or what crap ah so aku laugh and went to sean !

Thn ramai nmpk kepala aku dorng taanye asl aku ckp ah kena belasah !
ridzuan bengang ngn saaid cm fuck seyh !
malas ah nk ckp bnyk the end !

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